Winter in Mioveni Town

Friday, December 18, 2009

My pupil, Johnny, singing for you

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Climate Change - Blog Action Day - Scotland

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Save the polar bears. Why do I care
People and the polar bears Ice and the glaciers.
Is all coming to an end.
Nintendo DS stuff all the rest.
But just try your best.
And the earth won’t become a mess. You’re own worst enemy.
Wasting the Economy. Stop it now,
or the planet will go BOOOOMMMM!!!!!!!!!
This is climate change, it might sound very strange

Every time you blink, another ice berg starts to sink
Oil and petrol, they are very limited
Leaders and Minister’s heads are very dim lighted
Starts world war 3
Kids grow up in poverty
That does not sound good to me.

By Lucy
I think climate change is a serious threat.
It should be noted as a main priority.
I’m happy that we are having a meeting at December.
Here is a rap

Save the polar bears
But why do I care
People and the polar bears ice and the glaciers
It’s all coming to a end
Nintendo DS stuff all the rest
Just try your best and the planet wont become a mess
You’re your own worst enemy
Wasting the economy
Stop it now or the planet will go BOOM
Ya heard.

By Nathan
Blog Action Day

Today, October 15th, is Blog Action Day, when bloggers all over the world unite this year to stop climate change. Last year, 12,000 blogs got through to 14 million people. We need to stop climate change because it will, maybe not in your lifetime, or your children’s, but it will have a bad effect on the whole planet. So by reading this message, you have just helped stop climate change. Thank you.

Gillian, P7a, Mid Calder Primary.

Buddy you’re a wealthy man
You big rich wealthy man
You’re going to be a dead man one day
You got mud on your face
You big disgrace
Dripping oil all over the place
By Paul

Climate Change Rap

It’s a change in the climate it’s a change in the weather
The worlds heating up and its got to get better

So you see cars trucks and factories
Creating things so unnaturally

So turn off the taps try to walk places
And recycle your scraps

Help save the world you know what we can do
Humans can change it we just need you

Rhiannon & Eilidh

This is climate change this is what we need to stop.
So stop driving around the place.
Use your bike or maybe walk.
Turns of your taps don’t leave on lights.
Turn off your PS3 and your X box too.

Soon the north and south will melt
If we don’t stop wasting energy
If we don’t think were all gonna sink.
Polar bears and penguins will die cause of us
So stop driving to toys R us.
by Ross R & Calum

I think climate change is really dangerous to the world.
It is making the world heat up and it is all because of factories
And transport. People need to stop using transports and think
About walking or going on a bike to get to places. If most people
In the world would do that then that means your do just saving
Your life but animal’s lives too.

by Nicole
Buddy you’re a wealthy man a big rich wealthy man you keep wasting energy
Your destroying human race you big disgrace
Destroying the ozone all over the place

Buddy on the oil rig
You big greasy thing
You have to make a change some day
You’ve got oil on your face
You big misplace
Dripping your oil all over the place

by Mark

Blog Action Day 2009

Friday, October 9, 2009

Let’s Participate with Our Blog in
Blog Action Day ’09 Climate Change!

Proud to Be Your Partners in This Project - the 5th Class D, "Liviu Rebreanu" School, Mioveni Town

Friday, October 2, 2009

Practical Skills of the 3rd Class - "Liviu Rebreanu" School, Mioveni Town, Arges County (ROMANIA)

Great Project

Mid Calder Primary, Scotland have loved working on this project. Thank you very much for organising it!

European Languages Day in Macedonia

Monday, September 28, 2009

Activities in Primary School Strasho Pindjur - Negotino, Macedonia on the European Languages Day.

On European Languages Day in “Liviu Rebreanu” School Mioveni

Sunday, September 27, 2009

To celebrate European Languages, Department of Foreign Languages of “Liviu Rebreanu” School Mioveni has developed a series of activities conducted by teachers: Ana Tudor, Mariana Badica, Julieta Stan and Nicoleta Patrascu.

Remember the program: PowerPoint presentation e-Twinning project in English "European Languages Day," Comenius multilateral project dissemination "If you want to see the beauty of the world, first you find it in yourself", promoting the new online journal of our school, "The Explorers" (performed by Professor Ana Tudor), Artistic performance classes III and IV (prepared by Professor Mariana Badica and Juliet Professor Stan), PowerPoint presentation "Les Chateaux de la Loire "(made by Prof. Nicoleta Patrascu and Professor Mariana Badica) and PowerPoint presentation" Dix raisons pour apprendre le francais "(made by Professor Julieta Stan).

Participants: Inst. Lidia Costache (educational advisor), Professor Mariana Radulescu and inst. Sabina Filfanescu (Comenius multilateral project management team members), Alexandra Mondiru (tester), Professor Monica Gruia, Prof. Claudia Voiculescu, Georgeta Pisica (primary level teacher) and Maria Hera (librarian).

European Languages Day logo

Open Morning for European Day of Languages (Scotland)

Le Petit Éléphant - Scotland

Friday, September 25, 2009

Le Petit Éléphant performed by P6A from Scotland on our European Day of Languages

Videos from Negotino - Macedonia

Pupils from Primary school Strasho Pindjur Negotino made these videos.

European Languages Day

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I have changed into slideshare for you the presentation in PowerPoint which I will show to my school colleagues teaching English and French on Friday when we'll have together an activity dedicated to the European Languages Day in our school.

Word presentation from Macedonia

Here is a presentation made by the students od Primary school Strasho Pindjur - Negotino,Macedonia.


Romanian Pupils' Presentation

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Quiz About Romania

What Is “Intercultural Dialogue”

Diary In European Languages

Videos from the Czech Republic

Let's Promote Our Project!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

personalized greetings

How Do We Improve Our English?

Friday, September 18, 2009

Of course, by talking to our school partners on the e-Twinning portal.

Let's Sing Together!

The International Day of Languages

Activities in "Liviu Rebreanu" School Mioveni

Eurovision Junior

Translations from France

Here are some french translations from our partner Natasha.

The first postcards

We got the first postcards from Czech Republis and Scotland. Thank you!

Words from Macedonia

Hello - Здраво!

Good morning - добро утро!

Good bye - Довидување!

My name is Simona - Јас се викам Симона!

Numbers - Броеви!

One - еден!

Two - два!

Three - три!

Four - четири!

Five - пет!

Six - шест!

Seven - седум!

Eight - осум!

Nine - девет!

Ten - десет!

Maps of Europe's Countries

Thursday, September 17, 2009

These drawings belong to my smart pupils of "Liviu Rebreanu"
School, Mioveni Town, Arges County - R O M A N I A

Greetings from Macedonia

Happy European languages day from pupils of primary school
"Krste Misirkov", Skopje, Macedonia

Postcards from Poland.

Monday, September 14, 2009

These are some postcards that we have already sent.

Our town.

Here are some information about our town Opole (Poland).

The panoramic view of Opole with Town Hall on the right and one of the channels.

The night view of Odra river with one of the bridges and the Piast Tower.

The Town Hall in Opole is the place of authorities of the city. It’s in the main square of Opole.
Everyday at noon you can hear the heynal from the top of the town hall’s tower.

The Piast Tower which is a great monument – the only part of the Piast Castle - and symbol of the Polish Song Festival.

Postcards from Negotino, Macedonia

Friday, September 11, 2009

Pupils from Primary School "Strasho Pindzur" - Negotino made the postcards. We will send them on monday.


Postcards from Scotland

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Our National Poet

Mihai Eminescu, our national poet, was one of the greatest European poets. His poems were translated in many languages. We are proud to talk about him and to recite his poems. We call him "The Lucifer of the Romanian Poetry".

Omagiindu-l pe Eminescu
Vezi mai multe video din Evenimente

Words from Macedonia

Here is a video from pupils of Primary school "11 Oktomvri"-Skopje, Macedonia. You can learn some of our words.

Dear partners!

Welcome to the european languages day project.